Quarantine Book Recommendations

The Bagwell Team’s Quarantine Book Recommendations

With the extra time spent at home during quarantine, some of the Bagwell team has enjoyed passing their time reading. We wanted to share our favorite picks with you. Keep reading to find out more about our book recommendations, made-up of a wide range of genres!

Clark’s Pick: “Salt, Fat, Acid, Heat: Mastering the Elements of Good Cooking” by Samin Nosrat

Genre: Instructional/ Cooking

I have really enjoyed diving into this book over the last few weeks. It is not your average cookbook! The first part of the book teaches you to understand salt, fat, acid, and heat in the cooking process. The second part includes recipes that encourage improvisation with your newly imparted wisdom!


Evan’s Picks: “It Worked for Me” by Colin Powell

Genre: Self Reflect, Self-Improvement

A message of strength and endurance from a man who has dedicated his life to public service. This book takes you through Colin’s life and career as a General in the US Army. He takes real life experiences and uses his knowledge of leadership to help his reader uncover their untapped potential.


Evan’s Picks: “Total Money Makeover” by Dave Ramsey

Genre: Personal Finance, Self-Improvement

Native, Dave Ramsey uses his “baby steps” approach to help everyday people take control of their finances. Dave’s end goal for his readers is for them to become debt free. Yes, that means cars, house, student loans, everything!


Kyle’s Picks: “Certified Insurance Counselor (CIC) Commercial Property Notebook”

Genre: Mystery/Horror

An in-depth breakdown of the ISO commercial property form and coverages provided, and I recommend it because it has some pictures that count as pages.


Kyle’s Picks: “Talking to Strangers” by Malcolm Gladwell

Genre: Non-Fiction (Self-Help)

Malcolm Gladwell explains how we often misinterpret and mistake encounters with people that we do not know well. I recommend everyone read it because it is an interesting read. I can tell you more once I finish as it has been on the back burner for my CIC studying!


Angie’s Pick: “What I Was Doing While You Were Breeding: A Memoir” by Kristin Newman

Genre: Travel, Comedy, Memoir

While quarantined, international travel is impossible, so this book allows a fun getaway as the author, a sitcom screenwriter, documents her many international travels and her quest for excitement and romance abroad.


Laura Padden’s Pick: “A Little Life” by Hanya Yanagihara

Genre: Novel

Nominated for many awards and the winner of the 2015 Kirkus Prize in Fiction, this story set in New York City, details the lives of four friends from their college years to middle-age.
