COVID-19 Update

To our Clients and Partners:

I hope that you all were able to enjoy the nice weekend weather while practicing social distancing. Raleigh was certainly bustling with walkers, joggers and bikers despite the blanket of pollen. I was glad to see that people were taking advantage of the warmer temperatures before it cools off this week.

On behalf of the Bagwell & Bagwell team, I want to let you know that we are here to support you during the COVID-19 pandemic. We stand beside you as we collectively navigate the unchartered waters that we face today and those yet to be seen on the horizon.

Last week, the team began working from home and I am happy to report that any hiccups were minimal. While we miss seeing each other every day, we video conference daily. I am seeing a whole new level of collaboration and support between the team.

Our new set-up should have little to no impact on you as a policyholder whether a commercial or personal client:

  • Calls - You can continue to reach your account manager on their direct lines or call the front desk to be redirected.

  • Mail – Yvette, our loyal account coordinator, is coming into the office and distributing mail twice a week.

  • Meetings – We are leveraging Microsoft Teams to facilitate remote meetings although we look forward to meeting with you face-to-face soon!

We are closely monitoring all correspondence from the North Carolina Department of Insurance, Independent Insurance Agents of North Carolina (IIANC), and our carrier partners to stay abreast of developments regarding insurance on the COVID-19 front.

Please follow us on Instagram and Facebook to monitor the most up-to-date information from our office.

If you have any questions or feedback, please do not hesitate to reach out to any member of our team.

We are sending our best wishes the for health and safety for you and your family.

All the best,

Clark Woodard

President of Bagwell & Bagwell Insurance