super bowl

From Cozy Sweaters to Kickoffs: The Bagwell Team’s Fall Favorites

From Cozy Sweaters to Kickoffs: The Bagwell Team’s Fall Favorites

Now that autumn is here and the weather is cooling off, it’s time to transition to this fresh new season. We welcome the crispness in the air, curling up with a fuzzy blanket, and that satisfying crunch of the leaves under your feet

Here are a few of the Bagwell team's fall favorites, from seasonal clothing to fun activities, that we are especially excited about.

When To Call Your Agent

When To Call Your Agent

As insurance agents, we are not always at the top of the list to call when something changes or there is a major milestone in people’s lives or businesses. However, we love assisting and advising our clients as events trigger the need for insurance changes. That’s why we want to help get everyone’s gears turning on when to reach out to us so we have created an abbreviated list to remind you of some of the things that should prompt a discussion with your insurance agent about your insurance plan.