Fryer Fire, Oh My! Deep Frying Safety Tips

In the south, we are blessed with some delicious Thanksgiving delicacies such as deep-fried turkey. I believe most of us can agree that there are only two food groups on Thanksgiving Day: fried and deep-fried—but with great taste comes great responsibility. That’s why it’s important to remember that anytime you’re cooking with an open flame such as a fryer you need to be cognizant of your surroundings.


According to the National Fire Protection Association, every year deep-fryer fires are responsible for 5 deaths, 60 injuries, the destruction of 900 homes, equaling more than 15 million dollars in property damage. 

With those kinds of eye-opening stats, it’s no surprise that distractions like NFL football or being a few beers deep are why there are so many 911 calls to fire departments on Thanksgiving Day. 

To keep you, your family, and your home safe here are some of safety tips:

  • Make sure your turkey is completely thawed before lowering it into the fryer. Don’t let your family’s bellies pressure you into putting the turkey in too soon. 

  • Turn off the burner when lowering the turkey into the pot to prevent flare ups. This may seem silly, but if oil overflows it can cause flare ups around the fryer and can ignite easily flammable objects turning Thanksgiving Day into a disaster.

  • Use your fryer outdoors - away from structures, and overhanging limbs. 

  • Make sure that it’s on a flat surface and remember no wooden decks!

  • Finally, of course follow the safety tips and tricks from the manufacturers to ensure a safe and happy Thanksgiving feast.

From the Bagwell Family to yours, Happy Thanksgiving!